



2013 Labor Launch

"I am writing to mention the fantastic rendition of Advance Australia Fair by Ms Yasmin Arkinstall at the University of Western Sydney in the presence of the Hon Julia Gillard, former Prime Minister of Australia, earlier this year. Ms Arkinstall responded to a request from me to perform at the event on short-notice and performed in a highly professional and commendable manner."
- Michelle Rowland, Federal Member for Greenway

Women in Banking and Finance Forum (Deutsche Bank)

"On meeting Yasmin I was immediately struck by her open approach and quiet confidence. She asked good questions and clearly communicated with the producer on the night. As her performance was a surprise for the audience she had to wait in the wings until the formal panel discussion drew to a close. Despite what must have been a nerve-wracking wait, she walked confidently onto the stage to deliver a captivating rendition of "I Could Have Danced All Night" before an audience of over 500 business men and women. Her performance generated a palpable swell of emotion in the auditorium so it was no surprise to see her receive a standing ovation - people literally leapt to their feet... Many people who were in the audience are still talking about the incredible talent and poise of this young woman.”

“Yasmin! We so often talk about you in the office. You made such a big impression on all of us and left me with a very impossible task of trying to top our event the next year.”
- Lynne Kilgour, Regional Head of Conferences and Events for Deutsche Bank (Australia and New Zealand)

The Smith Family Launch Events

“I have had the honour of knowing and working with Yasmin for the past three years. During that time I have had the privilege of watching Yasmin perform to many appreciative audiences... When Yasmin performed at an exclusive event at David Jones, she stunned the audience with a beautiful performance of Ave Maria, and then shared the impossibly difficult journey she endured in order to master her craft. On that night, thanks to Yasmin's testimonial and performance, attendees at the event pledged thousands of dollars to provide scholarships to support Australian students living in disadvantage. On the third opportunity that I had to work with Yasmin, she was asked to perform at Knox Grammar School in Wahroonga. The event was called "Be the Change You Want to See", and involved a performance in front of over 500 Year 10 students from Knox Grammar and Ravenswood Schools. Again, Yasmin stunned the gathering of teens with her voice, and then explained the hardships she had endured in order to achieve success in her chosen field.”
- Judy Tanna, National Manager of Children’s Future Education Fund

a2 Milk Company Gala Launch, Luna Park

"歌唱家Yasmin用她干净空灵的嗓音 带着现场每位嘉宾一起伴着悠然清扬的音符 走进a2 Platinum®的核心a2™源乳™的起源地:身临其境地倾听来自新西兰牧场的纯净之声"
~ Redian News
English translation: "Singer Yasmin with her clean and ethereal voice. With every guest at the scene, accompanied by leisurely and clear notes. Immerse yourself in the pure sound of a New Zealand ranch."

“Thank you so much for your wonderful performance, the client was super impressed with your professionalism and your presentation... glowing responses as to be expected.”
~ Leanne Gunnulson, Artist Bookings

“Awesome! You nailed it!”
~ David Bortolussi, CEO of a2 Milk Company